Let's Amplify Your Visibility!

Let's solidify you as an expert without the cost of traditional PR!

If you are a business owner, a leader, a subject matter expert, an influencer, author, artist or anyone who seeks to be SEEN and HEARD for your work... this is the course for you to attend! Why: Because you are tired of not being seen and heard by the med. Because you are a Subject Matter Expert who has something valuable to share with the public and social media just isn't cutting it, you need media validation. Because you are ready to shine!

The struggle is real...

From not having enough time to struggling to focus on working in your business, many leaders feel that being featured with earned media is out of the question. Public relations is just 2 hours a week away from you shining in every way to expand your company or brand in the direction that it is ready to go!

  • Don't know where to begin to "sell" yourself and your story?

  • Have you struggled with being seen by the media?

  • Don't have the budget of $2,000-$10,000 a month to hire a publicist?

  • Are you watching others shine brighter than you with less expertise?

You deserve to share what you know to the world!

Here's how this class will help:

  • Story Time

    Its all in the story, we will go over your brand style, your why and pertinent information you should know as you begin your PR journey - like- What is the media actually looking for today?

  • It's all in the pitch

    You will learn valuable insight on how to pitch, what tools are needed and the easiest way to find and contact desired journalist both locally and nationally!

  • PR InReach

    Ever wonder how the media finds cool stories and cool people when they least expect it? What tricks and tips to use to get discovered will be shared!

  • Templates & Video Instruction

    You will have everything you need to get you started on your path of pitching for yourself! We are here to help you along the way, even when the course is complete!

I never had imposter syndrome because...

Every media feature was a way to show me that we all were on the right path.

From the start of my business in 2005, I knew I was onto something unique. I owned a marketing and PR firm that had a voice like no other. My work and programs even outside of my business kept garnishing attention from media, I had a knack for working with the press. After 18 years in the game, I am ready to share all that I know because let's be honest, many self starters, entrepreneurs and leaders can't readily afford the high prices of PR AND there are a LOT of fake media mills out there. (NO worries, I will show you how to spot them!)I never had imposter syndrome because the media always validated what I created or what my clients created. You being here is no coincidence. If you think you are ready to take your brand or your story to the next level, then you HAVE to take the Do It Yourself PR course. It is a small investment for the gains that are coming!

This class is for you if...

For the leaders and professionals who are trying to expand their knowledge and know-how to do their own PR. Public Relations is an expensive investment and if you know how to do the basics yourself. You will thrive!

  • Ready to expand your reach

    without paying $2,000-$10,000 per month for strategy with Phoenix

    You are receiving advice and teachings from an international publicist who is known for her strategy advisement to celebrities, humanitarians, influencers, politicians, and leaders abound.

  • Bonus material

    Additional Video Homework Training

    For a better learning experience, Phoenix also teaches you how to do the homework and what steps to take to get the best experience out of each lesson.

  • Templates to get you started!

    $3500 value

    You will receive pitch templates, press kit templates, outbound email template, press release template and more!

Experienced Teacher & Global Publicist

Phoenix Jackson

Phoenix Jackson

Lead Publicist

Phoenix is the Founder of Phoenix Affect, a 16-year-old global public relations, communications, and business development firm. She has worked with many small business owners, non-profits, professional athletes, entertainers, authors, speakers, politicians, NGOs, government entities and more, helping them to manifest their desired outcomes in business. Phoenix takes pride in working with forward thinking, private and public entities ensuring a positive and impactful outcome for the people that they serve. “Moving the human collective forward” is her aim with every project and idea that her firm embarks on. Phoenix recently launched the PR University to give concise and practical application tools to small business leaders and influencers who want to do their own PR. The PR University will also serve as a complementary and supplementary tool for 2–4-year university students across the country who want to gain PR skills as they embark on their journalism or communications career.